Friday, January 29, 2010


Everything needs to be BIG now. Isaiah is always asking for BIG chair, BIG cup, BIG potty and now... BIG BED!! Last week, Isaiah threw some of his balls in to his crib. I said, "Oh no, what are you going to do now?" He looked at me, crawled up on the side of his crib, threw his balls out and proceeded to crawl out of his crib like a little spider monkey! I watched in amazement, shock and fear knowing that the days of containing him in his crib are now over. When I laid him down for his nap later that day I heard the door creak open and saw his little face peak out (with a BIG proud smirk on it). 4 times it took to get him to take a nap. This week we got a new BIG Boy bed. It's so cute and Isaiah loves it. He is even pretty good about staying in it through the night (knock on wood). It's a little bittersweet for Joel and I. It is so awesome to see him grow, learn and change...but we are a little sad that the baby phase is gone. Now, time to soak up toddlerhood with all the new challenges and joys!

Isaiah and his new BIG bed!

I was working at the desk the other day and Isaiah walked in wearing my panty hose and my teacher badge. Keep in mind, he WAS wearing clothes before this. Apparently he needed to take off his clothes to get the full efffect.

Isaiah had to get himself in Kelby's cowboy boots. We thought we would add the hat too so the look would be complete!

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