3 1/2 years ago I was "nesting." Do you know what "nesting" is?
"Around the fifth month of pregnancy, the "nesting" instinct can set in. This is an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world. Females of the animal kingdom are all equipped with this same need. It is a primal instinct. Just as you see birds making their nests, mothers-to-be do exactly the same thing. . The act of nesting puts you in control and gives a sense of accomplishment toward birth. You may become a homebody and want to retreat into the comfort of home and familiar company, like a brooding hen." www.pregnancyweekly.com
I think each woman handles this differently, but I was very excited to get creative with the nursery in preparing for our baby boy.

Joel, however, felt differently...
At the time, Isaiah's room was our office/guest room/ storage/ kitty room. (come on, most people have "/" rooms). I don't know if it was denial or Joel's refusal to let this baby take over our lives completely, but he wanted to leave our room exactly the same. "We just need to throw a crib in there, right?" He wanted the futon in there, all of our pictures, all of our storage in the closet. As you can imagine, this did not sit well with my "nesting" stage.
Well, eventually we compromised and over time Isaiah's room truly became Isaiah's room.
I bring all this up, because now we are in a new transition of the "forever evolving" nursery to the big boy room. It has been like I am nesting all over again. I want Isaiah's room to be his little sanctuary, a safe place for him that he loves. It's just one of the many ways a mom can show their love and nurture. The best part is that Joel was really in to it this time too.
So, a few weeks ago Isaiah got his new twin bed, new bedding and new paint! I thought it would be "fun" to paint stripes in his room. It was fun for the first few days, but by the end of the week... Joel and I hated stripes! His room turned out GREAT though. We still are doing some little changes here and there (maybe it will be the evolving big boy room too), but Isaiah is in love with his new room!
1 comment:
Cute post! I love the stripes, and think they will totally grow with him. Let's hope he likes them for years to come! :)
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